The Arnold L. Youch Award

The Arnold L. Yauch Award

2019 Arnold L. Yauch, Achievement of Excellence Award

David Allen

Shell Oil Contracting & Procurement (Retired)

In the early 1980’s NAPM-Houston, Inc. established the Arnold L. Yauch Scholarship Fund and presented the first Arnold L. Yauch Achievement of Excellence Award to long-time member and Association Secretary/Treasurer Arnold L. Yauch, C.P.M.

The award recognizes individuals who previously received the James O. Cox Award and/or served as President of ISM-Houston, Inc. and whose subsequent contribution has far exceeded succeeding norms of service.

Rather than being presented annually, this award is given when a particular individual deserves such recognition. The number of recipients are few thereby demonstrating the prestige upon which this award is presented.

Criteria for consideration when nominating a member for this award includes an “elder statesman” type quality, particularly with regard to number of years served, types of positions held, respect of the membership, accomplishments, level of participation, and leadership qualities.

Arnold L. Yauch Achievement Of Excellence Recipients

2019 David Allen, C.P.M.

2016 Marian Nimon, C.P.M.

2009 Edward M. Wahowski

2004 Sharon Malkovicz, C.P.M.

2001 Douglas R. Miller, C.P.M.

1997 Lee E. Elmore, C.P.M.

1996 Earl D.Cornelson, C.P.M.

1990 Arnold L. Yauch, C.P.M.