ESG & Supplier Diversity Group

Welcome to ISM—Houston’s Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG), and Supplier Diversity (SD) community!

With ESG & SD steadily integrating with today’s norm of doing business, supply management professionals are becoming more and more involved in their company’s ESG & SD initiatives. This encompasses day-to-day operations on everything from partnerships with suppliers to inclusion, diversity & equity in the workforce, to reducing the carbon footprint.

Depending on the size, vision, and priorities, companies are in very different stages of having a formal ESG and/or SD program in place. Pressure from the SEC, other regulatory bodies, shareholders, and customers have triggered companies to make ESG & SD an immediate priority.

Turning talk into action is key and depends on insight across complex trading relationships. Right now, it is unclear how the principles behind ESG will be implemented. It is even less clear how they will be monitored and measured.

ISM—Houston’s ESG & SD committee is focused on elevating ESG & SD awareness and guiding principles for supply management professionals to enable them to address current day challenges and improve the bottom line, positively impact the economy, while creating a safe environment.

This is achieved by hosting multiple ESG & SD initiatives throughout the year such as Professional Development Meetings / Pre-Meetings, supplier expos for suppliers to connect to buyers, seminars, and workshops. Additionally, serving as a resource for benchmarking best practices and liaison to supplier diversity business councils.

Helpful Resources:

A Powerful ESG Tool: Supply Chain Localization (

The Role of Small Businesses in ESG (

Building Trust and Transparency in ESG (

Driving Value Through ESG (

Please Contact Us for more information or any questions.

Resources and Frequently Asked Questions

What is Supplier Diversity?

Supplier Diversity is a proactive business process that provides all suppliers equal access to purchasing opportunities. It promotes supplier participation within the community and encourages economic development for various products and services.

What is MBE?

A minority-owned enterprise is a for-profit business of any size located in the United States or its trust territory operated and controlled by minority class citizens Asian, black, Hispanic, or Native American. Ownership by the minority should be at least 51%.

What is WBE?

A WBE is a woman business enterprise for-profit in the United States or its trust territory, owned 51% or more, operated, and controlled by a female citizen.